I'm talking about NZ's food. For example kiwifruit, BBQ, Pavalova, Fish and Chips, Vegemite and so on. Kiwi means New Zealander. You Know BBQ, Kiwifruit, Fish and Chips. So I want to explain to Pavalova and Vegemite.

Next, Vegemite is a yeast spread that a lot of New Zealanders like to eat with toast or sandwiches. It is actually made in Australia, but has become so ingrained in New Zealand culture, that many New Zealanders assume it is a New Zealand product. It has a very strong salty taste, but it is full of vitamins and iron.
Pavalova is lik

How to make PAVALOVA!!
You should try to eat them!!
4 件のコメント:
Pavalova looks really delicious :D
i wanna have a tast!
I don't like Vegemite!!!!!!!!!!
It's taste is awful for me. Have you ever eat it? Iwon't recomend you.
I heard that Vegemite is very terrible taste!! But reacently my friend ate it, and she said"It's delicious!!" I can't understand!!
The cake looks funny! too much cream! but i want to try!